Tuesday, January 10, 2012

scatter-brain at it's finest

Todays' Blog will be a mindless brain dump. I am going to type everything that is going on in my head.
  1. I wonder what I will look like when I get old? I hope I don't wear wigs. Wigs can be so soulful at times. I take that back, my Grandma's wig is super cute!
  2. I have got to get my beach body back. I need a trip to Miami pronto-stat! Me and Nikki will kick it so hard out there.
  3. My Grandpa is 84 years old! That is such a blessing. He has lived to see a lot of things and still talks a gang of shit. I love that dude.
  4. My dog's haircut is so atrocious. I wonder if this is how people with ugly kids feel? :-/ He looks like he has been hitting crack rocks. Why did they have to shave his hair so short??? I cant wait until it grows back.
  5. I am doing a good amount of traveling this month. I am so proud of myself. I am really sticking to these New Year's resolutions.
  6. I need to go workout after this and I really don't feel like it. I wish I could take a pill like they did on the Jetsons and be fine all my life with no effort.
  7. Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
  8. Humming The Jets song, Crush on You. Old skool!
  9. Go after your dreams and chase with a vengeance!
  10. Remember making up dance routines? I will never forget me, my sister and Shonda doing a dance routine to Salt and Pepa's Push It. Why did my mama let us dance to that? lol It was completely inappropriatee. We danced around in our slips like we were Vanity 6. lmao Crazy kids.
  11. I sure hope I can keep up writing this blog everyday. Sometimes I am at a lost for words but this is the most therapeutic thing I've done in my life.
  12. I need to get off this blog site and do some work.
  13. I miss my daddy. I need to call and check on him.

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